Collaborators (or Partners in Crime!)
First of all, the bone players

Stafford Hunter
- Stafford just will not leave me alone. When we're out on the road and I am at my most withdrawn and moody, it never fails. The hotel phone rings and Stafford says "come on, let's get something to eat!" I don't know what he sees in me, but he just won't let me stay down. Stafford Hunter is a fine trombonist and, thanks to our association with Steve Turre, my shell-making and -playing running buddy. He is not at all a derivative player and is one of the new young voices on the trombone.
Clifton Anderson
- Clifton hates to hear this, but when ever I work with him, I learn something, usually something good. Although he is somewhat overshadowed by serving as Sonny Rollins' trombonist for many years, everyone in the msuic world knows what an accomplished trombonist he is. And quite a dresser! Clifton is very professional and one of those cats that always wnats to take the extra effort to get the music right.
Jack Jeffers
- When I was a lad, I used to hear Charles Tolliver and Stanley Cowell's Music Incorporated big band records on the radio. Tolliver's composition Plight opens with a real nasty bass trombone intro. That was Jack Jeffers. So when I got to New York, Jack Jeffers was already imprinted in my mind as a hero role model folklore mythical-type figure. Jack has only been on the scene for 50 years, so when he talks I listen. I have had the pleasure to work with him, and sub for him many, many times. Jack is one of the leading citizens in our music community, well known and respected by all.
Earl McIntyre
- I don't know Earl well, but that hasn't stopped him from doing a lot of nice things for me, such as advising me on a tuba purchase. Although only a little older than me, Earl is one of the black NYC bass trombone elders. There is very little that Earl has not accomplised musically, and let me point out the very fine arranging and playing work he has done for the Mingus Big Band.
Josh Roseman
- I've had the pleasure to work with Josh, whom I have admired for many years, with Steve Turre and Sanctified Shells. Josh is truly a free spirit and man of good karma. He single-handedly taught me to play Klezmer music (and he dosen't even know he did it).
Robin Eubanks
- A lot of people find Robin Eubanks hard to get to know, and this was my experience as well. I have since come to value his friendship quite a lot. He has a good sense of humor. Once when I was the most down I have ever been, he helped keep me afloat, and I will never forget that. Robin comes from a musical family, and has a lot of knowledge about the business and the trombone. One thing that separates Robin from most players is that Robin plays the whole horn, top to bottom. He has reall inspired me as a player.
Tim Williams
- I first heard Bone during his too brief stay with Art Blakey and the Jazz Messengers. Tim is a real standup guy who tells it like he sees it. This is very refreshing in a business where the smiling faces sometimes hide.......
Vincent Gardner
- Vincent has a big brother so likeable that you are ready to like him too. Vincent is likeable on his own, thank you, and is an outstanding trombonist. Some record label needs to record this man soon! He is really saying a lot on the horn and is at peak form. I think Vincent is the most under-appreciated trombonist in our music today. Of cousre the musicians appreciate him just fine, but the public just don't know!
Jason Jackson
- I've seen Jason come to town and go from one of the hopeful to one of the well connected! He is thoughtful Californian that doesn't give the state a bad name. Jason is a serious musician and is a becoming one mean trombone playing dude.
Charles Stephens
- Met Charles in 1978 in Washington Square Park. Charles has been steadily chipping away at the mountain since before then and is one of the current deans of the bone business in NYC.
Clarence Banks
- I met CB through my good friend Cornell McGhee. CB recommended me to his wife Nancie for her band (I've been there ever since) and for several other things, some of which I regret to this day! Thank you CB! Via CB I was able to sub for the immortal Bill Hughes in the Count Basie Orchestra. That was quite a lovely experience.
Clark Gayton
- Another very professial cat. Clark will do well for himself over the long run. Clark was very encouragung to me from the first. Thanks to his suggestion that I play the tuba, I have also had my share of backaches. Really, some of my favorite work has been on the tuba.
Du Por Georges
- I met DuPor in my childhood chum Keith Mathis' basement. They were both UDC students at the time and were working on Music Minus One tapes. Almost more than any one person, I have Dupor to thank for rejuvenating my musical life. I had been of into someother things when I met him, and was getting back to the table. DuPor let me hang onto his coattails as he was hanging out and maing the rounds. DuPor has since gone on to be a mainstay in the Ray Charles Orchestra, and has done outstanding freelance work around the world. As homeboys we will always share a bond.
Wycliffe Gordon
- Wycliffe is one of the outstanding musicians of his generation. He is wickedly funny too. Of the young cats, I don't know anyone who is his equal with the trombone mutes. Wycliffe brings a serious funkiness to his trombone playing. Please check out his gospel music CD.
John Gordon
- I always enjoy paying in trombone section when John is playing lead, as he is one of the clearest leaders I ever have to follow. John is on the great Charles Tolliver- Stanley Cowell big band records that were an early part of my jazz upbringing, so that makes him (and Jack Jeffers) ledgends to me.
Craig Harris
- Years ago, I saw Sun Ra at the Left Bank Jazz Society in Baltimore. I was astonished at the volume this one trombonisit was able to produce. That man was Craig Harris. Craig and I both owe a lot to the late Makanda Ken McIntyre. I love the originality and fresshenss Crig brings to the trombone and music.
Andre Hayward
- Andre is the well deserving winner of the 2003 Monk Competition. Andre came into town kicking butt and has never stopped. One night he sat in with Frank Lacy's Vibe Tribe on my composition Cannonball. Wow, is that how its supposed to go?
Frank Lacy
- Frank Lacy was featured on the cover of Downbeat as the most valuable sideman in jazz. There is are several good reasons for that, the two most important are that he can play any type or style of music (a few people can do that) and that he "brings it" to every situation he plays in (which few can do). Frank is really a shy person, which might surprise some that know him because he can be lively and boisterous in addition to being moody and withdraw. But Frank is very capable of directing his energy through his music, whether on trombone or french horn or trumpet, or through his composing. Howard Johnson said that Frank's music is totally honest, and I couldn't agree with that more. I first worked with Frank with Steve Turre and Sanctified Shells. He was one of the first people in NYC to really encourage me a musician and confirm that I was not wasting my time. (I actually I first met Frank the night of a legendary blowup at the Time Cafe on a Thursday night!) Frank has since been generous to be supportive of my music and has featured my music with Vibe Tribe.
Cornell McGhee
- Cornell used to be my neighbor in Irvington, NJ. I met him at the Noble House fish resteraunt in East Orange where he was playing a duo while the patrons dined. Cornell has always been a great friend both to me and to Dupor Georges, and I take some small pride in having brought them together. Cornell also intorduced me to his old buddy Clarence Banks who recommended me to his wife Nancie who introduced me to .... One thing I admire about Cornell, besides his intellect, is the fact that he learned the trombone as an adult.
Alfred Patterson
- Alfred Patterson and I did'nt always get along. He and I use to get into these arguments where we just talked past each other but eventually a certain understanding is developed. I have had Alfred as acollegue in I don't know how many work situation, and we have done a good jobe sending each other in as subs for one another. Alfred is a very good guy to have around to lighten the mood, and unlike me does not use "loving" sarcasm!
Richie Rosenberg
- Thanks for bringing me into your circle, Labamba. The gigs are fun and thanks for letting me write for your band.
Kiane Zawadi
- Kiane is one cool elder dude. I am glad to have had the chance to work with him over the years. He is also a good cat to hang with on and off the bandstand.
Chuck Royal
- What can I say about a guy I have known since grade school. That is what can I say that you can say in public without anyone turning red! Chuck has very talented at an early age and was a big impetus to me trying (ultimately failing) to stay ahead of him. Did you know he was a Jazz Messenger? I have learned a lot about music from him, he was the first guy I knew that new about the real hip music. And really, I can't thank him enough for all the Chuck Royal stories he has provided me with over the years.
Clifford Adams
- Is there anyone nicer than Clifford? I met Clifford in 1982 when I was working with Aretha Franklin in my hometown, DC and he was on the same bill with Kool and the Gang. He made the rounds of the dressing rooms to meet all the cats he didn't already know. Did you know that Cliffor is a fine singer as well? I hope we do something together one day, so far, we have not had the chance.
George Brandon
- George is a globe-trotting anthropologist, trombonist and composer, in other words, the perfect kind of guy to have as a friend. We met back when I lived in Baltimore and did a variety of highly ambitions but underprepared projects together. He is originally from newark, so we reconnected when I came north. George and I once survived an ice storm by holding out in my car between DC and Baltimore.
Dion Tucker
Barry Cooper
Non trombonists count too....
Charles Fambrough
- Broughski is and unforgettable character. The kind of cat you tell stories about to other people, in and out of music. Broughski and I shared an apartment on tour a few years ago. What an education I got just listening to his end of these tumultuous conversations he would have concerning the release of a new CD. (What is that term David Letterman uses for the executives-- "Weasels!") On this one tour we had Charles, Leon Pendarvis, and either Tommy Campbell or Gene Jackson. All of a sudden we were a funk band! Maybe too funky! Broughski and Leon developed a few things between them that were ultra hip. Broughski did me a huge favor by driving up from Philly and playing bass for me on one of my rare gigs as a leader.
Geri Allen
- I have known Geri since I was in high school and she was a student at Howard University. Later when I was moonlighting in the University of Pittsburgh big band, she came to Pitt as a graduate student. This is when we really got to know each other, though with my lack of maturity in those days, I think she would have rather not gotten to know me! I had the priviledge of hiring her for a band I was music director of back then (pretty good money then, too). Of course, Geri Allen is an international treasure/.
We met up again in NYC and she has always treated me with respect well beyond my accomplishemts. Geri may not realize it, but she helped get my career started and propelled meout of the margins of jazz music. (If you are a marginalized jazz musician, you are really marginalized, man.)
Leon Pendarvis
- It goes without saying that Leon is a great musician. I have also learned so much about computers, and computer assisted music form him. Leon has a great sense of humor, and is a very good dude to have around when you are on the road. To give you an example of what a tasty musician he is, another superstar pianist recorded the original version of one of Steve Turre's tunes, but when ever I hear this tune, either on record or on the bandstand, I always here Leon's tasty fills in the open spots.
Vincent Chauncey
- There is no one I am ever happier to see on a gig or at a rehearsal than Vincent Chancey. His sense of humor and mine just mesh so well. Vincent is of course one of our leading french horn players, innovative and exciting. I hope we can work together more frequently because he is a gas to play with.
Dan Faulk
Gene Jackson
Eddie Allen
Frank Gordon
Joe Daley
George Gee
Patience Higgins
Joyce Brandon
Shunda Wallace
Derrick Gardner
Marshall McDonald
Vinnie Johnson
Earl MAy
KweYao Agapon
Andy Gonzalez
Hernacio Hernandez
James Zoller
Stephen Scott
Wallace Roney
Clarence Seay
Leon Pendarvis
Tommy Williams
Tommy Campbell
Carroll Dasheill
Darryl Hall
Reggie Nicholson
Rudy Walker
Steve Berrios
Kimati Dinizulu
Grazia DiGiorgio
Arthur Blythe
Carl Grubbs
Nioka Workman
Akua Dixon Turre
Elizabeth Panzer
Akbar Ali
Steven Haynes
Taylor Ho Bynum
Ronnell Bey
Tommy Campbell
Uma Karkala
Grazia DiGiorgio
Dion Parsons
Salim Washington
Tanya Darby